December 18, 2010


At 1200 today, 12-18-10, there were 400+ b. waxwings on Cheryl Ave (snappy park rd.) just south of willow st.  I can't find your phone # sorry, I tried to call.  They were in the trees on the east side of cheryl by the retention pond.  They were alternating from eating berries, grit on the roadside and water from the little drainage right by the road.  Great looks 10 feet or less.  My whole family got to see and hear them.  Some flew east before we left.  On the way home we saw several hundred in the crab apple tree at 931 west willow st.  It's across from Campbell Ave. 

Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 09:49:37 -0800
Subject: CBC

Hi Beau,

Thanks for posting the b. waxwings and also the GHOW.  Hope we can get them on Saturday.  If not, there is a place on the report where I can report birds seen 3 days before and 3 days after Saturday.  If you see anything interesting during those days please report them. ie, we can report the waxwings and owl.


December 17, 2010

Bohemian Wax Wings

The b. waxwings were seen on Robert St in front of the high school and then at the corner of Pembina  and Lori Ave. later this afternoon.

Colleen Nelson

GHOW, b. waxwings

Last night 12-16-10, while outside playing with the kids, we heard a GHOW calling in downtown Detroit Lakes.  It was pretty cool for the kids.  They love owls and always want to go owling with dad.  This morning, 12-17-10 at 0810 hours, a flock of approximately 50 b. waxwings flew over the High School and landed 100 feet west of where they were feeding yesterday.  The address was 501 N. Shore Dr.  There are three crab trees near that driveway.  They were flying from the fruit trees to the tallest ash in the yard.  I spoke to the homeowner about the CBC tomorrow.  He said, "Tell them to come by tomorrow."  Both days they were visible from the road.  

December 16, 2010

b.waxwings detroit lakes

A large flock of 100 + b. waxwings mixed with a few c. waxwings flew over the High School at 1220 hrs today 12-16-10.  They split and half flew east of Madison Ave and the other half landed on N. Shore Dr. at Madison Ave.  They landed in an Oak tree and alternated dropping down to a crab apple tree to feed and back up to the oak.  I believe the address was 509 1/2 N. Shore Dr. 

December 13, 2010

American robin

Today, 12-13-10, I saw a single a. robin feeding on crabapples on 11th Ave. behind the townhomes just east of the ball field at the middle school.  He appeared to have a damaged right wing.  He could fly.  He came out of the swamp just south of the townhomes and flew into the crab trees.  Only 8 days until CBC.  Haven't seen the m. dove on MN Ave. since the first.

November 18, 2010


Today I saw the cardinal couple on the lakeside of my yard. They were very skittish but the male came back several times. I hope to see more of them now that the weather is getting colder.
It was fun to see all the new postings, although I was sad to read the spring and summer posts and realize what we are facing for the next few months. Thanks, Alma, for the picture of the goldfinch and pine siskin. They both come to the feeders and I get them mixed up. 
Nancy Moulden
Detroit Lakes, MN

November 16, 2010

Pine Siskin & Goldfinch

This was taken from our living room window.  We have had lots of siskins around lately.
Alma Ronningen, Rural Dent, MN

Great Horned Owl

This Great Horned Owl picture was taken from the kitchen window today.
Alma Ronningen, Rural Dent, MN

September 24, 2010

Red Breasted Nuthatch

This Red Breasted Nuthatch dazed itself on our patio door but soon flew away.
Alma Ronningen, Rural Dent, MN

September 14, 2010

Sandhill cranes

Shar and I observed 30+ sandhill cranes this afternoon feeding along Hwy 210 between Staples and Hewitt.

Posted by
Colleen Nelson

September 13, 2010

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds

This was taken last week - we were down to 2 hummingbirds this morning.
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

June 14, 2010

Young Cardinal

This young cardinal was raised in the rafters of my pole shed. He
made a wrong turn as he left the nest and ended up in my shop. My
bird dog and I spotted him about the same time. I caught the bird
first, took a quick photo and the last I saw of him he was fluttering
away into the pines.

Art Bakker

June 5, 2010

Eastern Phoebe Nest with 5 young

This nest is on a small shelf outside the kitchen window. 
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

May 20, 2010

Elf Owl

Elf Owl was photographed May 17th at Benson - Rio Grande Valley State Park in extreme southern Texas.

Posted by Denis Mudderman

May 17, 2010

Monday Field Trip

Joan Burke, Kay Hartness, Bruce Besse, Nancy Henke and I went with Willma Hanson and Mike Murphy today on their count route through the Hamden area.  Mike was filling in for Bob Scherzer who was out of town.  We saw a total of 39 different species.  Most notable birds were Red Necked Phalarope, Wilson's Phalarope, American Bittern and baby Great Horned Owls in the nest.  It was a beautiful, fun day!  
   Alma Ronningen

May 13, 2010

Purple Gallinule

Photographed today at Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Texas.  The Purple Gallinule doesn't travel too far north and I finally saw one last week.

Posted by Denis Mudderman

More new birds

Birds this week are Sat, the 8th - House Wren and Blue Gray Gnatcatcher.  Sunday, the 9th Baltimore Orioles
Weds, the 12th Yellow Warblers and Thurs, the 13th Ruby Throated Hummingbird and Chestnut Sided Warbler.  Every day something else seems to show up.
I love Spring!!    Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

May 11, 2010

Bird Sightings

Our first male Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed up yesterday, May 10th along with the White-throated Sparrow and Yellow Rumped Warblers. A co-worker had a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a Baltimore Oriole this morning, May 11th.


May 4, 2010

Rose Breasted Grosbeak & others

We had our first Rose Breasted Grosbeak at the feeder today.  Also have White Crowned Sparrows in the yard today; 3 Sandhill Cranes flew over when I was in the garden an hour ago.      Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

May 2, 2010

Brown Thrasher

Had a Brown Thrasher in the yard yesterday and there were 15 Trumpeter Swans in the field south of our house.
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

April 29, 2010

White Throated Sparrows

Suddenly today our yard is full of White Throated Sparrows.  Also saw a Harris's Sparrow and a Lincoln's Sparrow. They must have blown in with the rain.  I saw our first Yellow Rumped Warblers on Wednesday. 
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

April 13, 2010

Bird Sightings

I saw Tree Swallows and a Yellow-Rumped Warbler today on our property.
Shar L.

April 12, 2010

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker showed up yesterday -  pounding on our T.V. antenna.


April 2, 2010


The Osprey returned to the nest pole in our yard today.  That's a week earlier than last year when they came back on April 10th. 
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

March 31, 2010

great blue heron

Saw two great blue herons at the rookery at the corner of becker co 21 and co rd 149 this evening. 
Colleen Nelson, Audubon

March 28, 2010

Bluebird & Sandhills

I saw a Killdeer and Sandhill Cranes on Saturday.  Today there was a Bluebird checking out a birdhouse in the yard.  I went for a walk in the woods today and found a tiny Woodtick when I got home. March is kinda early for woodticks in Minnesota.  Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

March 24, 2010

great horned owl nests

Found two great horned owls sitting on nests in the last few days - one north of Audubon and one north of Lake Park.  If you want directions please contact me by email
Colleen Nelson, Audubon

Spring Bird

We had our first Junco on Monday and first Red-Winged Blackbird at the feeder yesterday, Tuesday the 23rd.  Chipmunks showed up this week.  Hooded Merganser was on Momb Lake.   The White-throated Sparrow that we had part of the winter didn’t make it – didn’t see after the end of February L

Shar L.

March 23, 2010

Gull on Lake Detroit

This morning, 3-23-10, there is a large gull on Lake Detroit south of Lake Avenue.  It was standing near some American Crow and was larger than the crow.  It has a white head, gray mantle and black primaries.  Judging by the size and overall appearance I'm guessing it is a Herring Gull, but can not say for sure.  Anybody else care to comment?

March 22, 2010

Spring Birds

The Tree Sparrows showed up at our house this weekend along with a few Dark Eyed Juncos.  There are lots of Red Winged Blackbirds and Robins.   Also saw a Kestrel and Red Tailed Hawk.   The 2 Common Grackles that we have been feeding all winter are still here and the Goldfinches are beginning to get their yellow feathers so spring must really be here.   Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

March 16, 2010

Black-Billed Magpie

Observed a black-billed magpie north of Lake Park this evening.  It flew in front of my car and into a farmyard near the corner of CR 12 and CR 9. This is in the general area of where I have seen the magpies the last two summers.

Colleen Nelson   

February 19, 2010

G.H. Owl

A great horned owl is perched in a willow tree on Randolph Rd. in the Auto Value Parking lot near Lake Shirts and the Pelican River.  He was there from 1445 hours until 1503 hours when I left.  2-19-10.
posted by Beau Shroyer.

February 8, 2010

WW crossbills in Detroit Lakes

At approximately 0900 this morning, 2-8-10, I saw a flock of about 15 ww crossbills on the 1200 block of Lake Ave. In Detroit Lakes.  They were flying southbound and stopping and feeding in every spruce tree that they encountered.  They'd stop for 1-2 minutes, then move on.  Also saw the first P. siskins of the winter in D.L
posted by Beau Shroyer, Detroit Lake

February 5, 2010

Rosate Spoonbill

Two of a flock of Rosate Spoonbills out on Big Slough this afternoon at Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge in Texas.  They get their pink from eating shrimp.

Posted by Denis Mudderman

January 25, 2010

W.W. crossbills

1317 hours on 1-25-10 on Granger Rd. in Detroit Lakes, MN. Yellow house across from 707 Granger Rd. No numbers on yellow house. Flock of 10 W.W. crossbills in the spruce tree.
Beau D. Shroyer

January 24, 2010

Brown creeper

I was so starstruck by my cardinal I forgot to mention my little brown creeper in my yard. I see him every morning between 8:30 and 9:30 eating on the suet cake. He comes at other times, too. I started noticing him right before the Christmas bird count so no telling how long he has been around. Such a cute little guy, he always makes me smile. 
Nancy Moulden
Detroit Lakes, MN

Finally--a cardinal

This morning (Saturday) about 9:30 I saw a beautiful male cardinal at my big sunflower feeder. He sat there a long time leisurely eating then he was gone. I hope he'll come back often and bring his wife if he has one. It was incredible how striking he looked surrounded by the white snow. I called Shar and left a message but was so speechless I have no idea what I babbled. This has been a dream of mine for a loooooooooong time!
Nancy Moulden
Detroit Lakes, MN

January 15, 2010

Great horned owl

A great horned owl was on top of the western goal post at the DL middle school this morning at approximately 7:45.  In the 10 seconds it took me to turn my vehicle around for a better look it was gone.
Beau Shroyer, Detroit Lakes

January 8, 2010

January Robin

Spring must be getting closer. I saw a robin in a crab
apple tree in my yard yesterday morning (Jan 7). Temp was
about 8 degrees below zero and a wind. I know they all
don't go south but I haven't seen one in Jan before.
Posted by Art Bakker.

January 3, 2010

Owls in Aitkin Co.

Took a short trip to Aitkin Co today to look for owls.  I had just about given up on seeing an owl when this Northern Hawk Owl landed on the power pole right beside my car.  About 15 minutes later we came upon a Great Gray Owl perched in a tree right along the road.  We observed it catch and eat something and fly back to perch in a nearby tree. We then saw a second Northern Hawk Owl.  Good Day of Birding!

Posted by Colleen Nelson
              Audubon, Mn