April 29, 2010

White Throated Sparrows

Suddenly today our yard is full of White Throated Sparrows.  Also saw a Harris's Sparrow and a Lincoln's Sparrow. They must have blown in with the rain.  I saw our first Yellow Rumped Warblers on Wednesday. 
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

April 13, 2010

Bird Sightings

I saw Tree Swallows and a Yellow-Rumped Warbler today on our property.
Shar L.

April 12, 2010

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker showed up yesterday -  pounding on our T.V. antenna.


April 2, 2010


The Osprey returned to the nest pole in our yard today.  That's a week earlier than last year when they came back on April 10th. 
Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN