March 31, 2010

great blue heron

Saw two great blue herons at the rookery at the corner of becker co 21 and co rd 149 this evening. 
Colleen Nelson, Audubon

March 28, 2010

Bluebird & Sandhills

I saw a Killdeer and Sandhill Cranes on Saturday.  Today there was a Bluebird checking out a birdhouse in the yard.  I went for a walk in the woods today and found a tiny Woodtick when I got home. March is kinda early for woodticks in Minnesota.  Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

March 24, 2010

great horned owl nests

Found two great horned owls sitting on nests in the last few days - one north of Audubon and one north of Lake Park.  If you want directions please contact me by email
Colleen Nelson, Audubon

Spring Bird

We had our first Junco on Monday and first Red-Winged Blackbird at the feeder yesterday, Tuesday the 23rd.  Chipmunks showed up this week.  Hooded Merganser was on Momb Lake.   The White-throated Sparrow that we had part of the winter didn’t make it – didn’t see after the end of February L

Shar L.

March 23, 2010

Gull on Lake Detroit

This morning, 3-23-10, there is a large gull on Lake Detroit south of Lake Avenue.  It was standing near some American Crow and was larger than the crow.  It has a white head, gray mantle and black primaries.  Judging by the size and overall appearance I'm guessing it is a Herring Gull, but can not say for sure.  Anybody else care to comment?

March 22, 2010

Spring Birds

The Tree Sparrows showed up at our house this weekend along with a few Dark Eyed Juncos.  There are lots of Red Winged Blackbirds and Robins.   Also saw a Kestrel and Red Tailed Hawk.   The 2 Common Grackles that we have been feeding all winter are still here and the Goldfinches are beginning to get their yellow feathers so spring must really be here.   Alma Ronningen, Dent, MN

March 16, 2010

Black-Billed Magpie

Observed a black-billed magpie north of Lake Park this evening.  It flew in front of my car and into a farmyard near the corner of CR 12 and CR 9. This is in the general area of where I have seen the magpies the last two summers.

Colleen Nelson